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Valentine reborn not working

valentine reborn not working

If it’s too hot, it’s not happy, if it’s in touch with any humidity, it’s not happy. He was my mentor while I was there.Ĭhocolate is the most temperamental ingredient ever – if it’s too cold, not happy. The guy who taught class is Thierry Atlan, who was one of 10 chocolatiers to earn the very prestigious Meilleur Ouvrier de France. My class there was so international – Turkey, Israel, Belgium, Japan. It’s primarily for pastry – they produce the finest pastry chefs in Europe. I called her, chatted with her, and she told me where she’d gotten her training, so that’s where I wanted to go.

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She was the first person – kind of the Julia Child of chocolate. One woman who was such a hero to me was Alice Medrich. When I was first getting into chocolate, I read everything I could find about it. Q: Tell me about your training in France. All of the advertising training and graphic qualities in my background to help promote a product, whether a car or a piece of jewelry, I tried to apply to my own brand and detail – what the chocolate is like, packaging, design, what people smell when they open the box. In the meantime, I went to France for training, practiced, and then tried to find why people would want to buy my chocolate versus somebody else’s chocolate. Again, it’s meant to complement, not to overcome, so you have each flavor working together.Įventually, I came back to the States, and advertising wasn’t as fulfilling, so I decided to do something on my own. The more I traveled around, the more I would explore different combinations that people would use with the chocolate, like in Turin, coffee and chocolate is huge. I went into the shop and started sampling.

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In Milan, they had these chocolate shops, and one had a window half a block long with a scene of chicks and ducks all made of chocolate. The first time that I visited Italy, it was around Easter.

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That’s why med menu so superbEverything is there for a purpose. Everything in that lifestyle is all about savoring flavor. I would say that exposure to the European palate really got me interested – I discovered what chocolate is beyond a Hershey bar. That allowed me to travel extensively I even lived in Italy for a few years. Q: How did you get started in chocolate-making?Ī:In my former life, I was a creative director at Saatchi &Saatchi, an international advertising agency. We spoke with Phillips about her love of chocolate and how she puts a new twist on perennial favorites. Handmade chocolates for Valentine’s Day – Orange County Registerĭiana Phillips is taking chocolate making to a new level with her self-titled artisan chocolates business by making some special loving Valentine’s Day chocolates.

Valentine reborn not working